Senin, 25 Juli 2011

the menners of articulation

The Manners Of Articulation

In linguistics ( articulatory phonetics ), Manner of articulation describes how the tongue, lips, jaw, and other speech organs are INVOLVED in making a sound. You can see a movie clip showing the human articulators in action here. Often the concept is only used for the production of consonants , even though the movement of the articulars Will also greatly alter the resonant properties of the vocal tract , thereby changing the formant structure That sounds of speech is crucial for the identification of vowels . For any place of articulation , there may be Several manners, and therefore Several homorganic consonants .
One parameter of Manner is stricture, that is, how closely the speech organs approach one another. Parameters other than stricture Those are INVOLVED in the r-like sounds ( taps and trills ), and the sibilancy of fricatives . Often nasality and laterality are included in manner, but phoneticians Such as Peter Ladefoged Consider Them to be independent.
From greatest to least stricture, speech sounds may be classified along a Cline as stop consonants (with occlusion, or blocked airflow), fricative consonants (with partially blocked and therefore strongly turbulent airflow), approximants (with only slight turbulence), and vowels ( with full unimpeded airflow). Affricates Often They were the resource persons behave as if the between intermediate stops and fricatives, but phonetically They are sequences of stop plus fricative.
Historically, this sounds along Cline may move toward less stricture in a process Called lenition . The reverse process is fortition .

Other parameters

Sibilants are distinguished from other fricatives by the shape of the tongue-and how the airflow is directed over the teeth. Fricatives at coronal places of articulation may be sibilant or non-sibilant, sibilants being the more common.
Taps and flaps are similar to very brief stops. However, articulation and Their behavior is distinct enough to be Considered a separate manner, rather than just length . [ specify ]
Trills involve the vibration of one of the speech organs. Since Trilling is a separate parameter from stricture, the two may be combined. Increasing the stricture of a typical Trill results in a trilled fricative . Trilled affricates are also known.
Nasal airflow may be added as an independent parameter to any speech sound. It is most commonly found in nasal stops and nasal vowels , but nasal fricatives, taps, and approximants are also found. When a sound is not nasal, it is Called oral. An oral stop is Often Called a plosive, while a nasal stop is Generally Called just a nasal.
Laterality is the release of airflow at the side of the tongue. This can also be combined with other manners, resulting in lateral approximants (the most common), the lateral flaps, and lateral fricatives and affricates.
Individual manners
  • Plosive , or oral stop, where there is complete occlusion (blockage) of Both the oral and nasal cavities of the vocal tract , and therefore no air flow. Examples include Home / ptk / ( voiceless ) and / bdg / ( voiced ). If the consonant is voiced, the voicing is the only sound made During occlusion; if it is voiceless, a plosive is completely silent. Hear what we as a / p / or / k / is the effect That the onset of the occlusion has on the preceding vowel, as well as the release burst and its effect on the following vowel. The shape and position of the tongue (the place of articulation) determine the resonant cavity plosives That Gives Their characteristic sounds different. All languages ​​have plosives.
  • Nasal stop , usually shortened to nasal, where there is complete occlusion of the oral cavity, and the water passes through the nose instead. The shape and position of the tongue determine the resonant cavity That Gives different stops Their characteristic nasal sounds. Examples include Classic / m, n /. Nearly all languages ​​have nasals, the only exceptions being in the area of Puget Sound and a single language on Bougainville Island .
  • Fricative , Sometimes Called spirant, where there is continuous frication (turbulent and noisy airflow) at the place of articulation. Examples include Classic / f, s / (voiceless), / v, z / (voiced), etc. Most languages ​​have fricatives, though many have only an / s /. However, the Australian Indigenous languages ​​are almost completely devoid of fricatives of any kind.
·         Sibilants are a type of fricative where the airflow is guided by a groove in the tongue toward the teeth, creating a high-pitched and very distinctive sound. These are by far the most common fricatives. Fricatives at coronal (front of tongue) places of articulation are usually, though not always, sibilants. Home sibilants include / s / and / z /.
·         Lateral fricatives are a rare type of fricative, where the frication Occurs on one or both sides of the edge of the tongue. The "II" of Welsh and the "hl" of Zulus are lateral fricatives.
  • Affricate , the which begins like a plosive, but this releases into a fricative rather than having a separate release of its own. The Classic letters "ch" and "j" Represent affricates. Affricates are quite common around the world, though less common than fricatives.
  • Flap , Often Called a tap, is a momentary closure of the oral cavity. The "tt" of "Utter" and the "dd" of "udder" are pronounced as a flap in the North American and Australian Classic . Many linguists distinguish taps from flaps, but there is no consensus on what the difference Might Be. No language relies on Such a difference. There are also lateral flaps.
  • Trill , in the which the articulator (usually the tip of the tongue) is held in place, and the Airstream Causes it to vibrate. The double "r" of Spanish "Perro" is a Trill. Trills and flaps, where there are one or more brief occlusions, constitute a class of consonant Called rhotics .
  • Approximant , where there is very little obstruction. Examples include Classic / w / and / r /. In some languages, Such as Spanish, there are sounds the which seem to fall the between fricative and approximant.
·         One use of the word semivowel , Sometimes Called a glide, is a type of approximant, but pronounced like a vowel with the tongue closer to the roof of the mouth, so That there is slight turbulence. In Bahasa, / w / is the semivowel equivalent of the vowel / u /, and / j / (spelled "y") is the semivowel equivalent of the vowel / i / in this usage. Other descriptions use semivowel for vowel-like sounds That are not syllabic, but do not have the Increased stricture of approximants. These are found as elements in diphthongs . The word may also be used to cover both concepts.
·         Lateral approximants, usually shortened to lateral, are a type of approximant pronounced with the side of the tongue. Classic / l / is a lateral. Together with the rhotics, the which have similar behavior in many languages, these form a class of consonant Called liquids .

broader Classifications

Manners of articulation with substantial obstruction of the airflow (plosives, fricatives, affricates) are Called obstruents . These are prototypically voiceless, voiced obstruents but are extremely common as well. Such manners without obstruction (nasals, liquids, approximants, and also vowels ) are Called sonorants Nearly Because They are always voiced. Voiceless sonorants are uncommon, but are found in Welsh and Classical Greek (the spelling "rh"), in Tibetan (the "lh" of Lhasa ), and the "wh" Those dialects of Bahasa Indonesia in the which distinguish "which" from "witch ".
Sonorants may also be called resonants, and some linguists prefer That term, restricting the word 'sonorant' to non- vocoid resonants (that is, nasals and liquids, but not vowels or semi-vowels). Another common distinction is the between stops (plosives and nasals) and continuants (all else); affricates are Considered to be Both, Because They are sequences of stop plus fricative.
Other airstream initiations
All of these manners of articulation are pronounced with an airstream mechanism Called pulmonic egressive , meaning That the water flows outward, and is powered by the lungs (Actually the ribs and diaphragm ). Other Airstream Mechanisms are possible. Sounds That RELY on some of these include:
  • Ejectives , the which are glottalic egressive. That is, the Airstream is powered by an upward movement of the glottis rather than by the lungs or diaphragm. Plosives, affricates, and fricatives may occasionally occur as ejectives. All ejectives are voiceless.
  • Implosives , the which are glottalic ingressive. Here the glottis moves downward, but the lungs may be used simultaneously (to Provide voicing), and in some languages ​​Actually no water may flow into the mouth. Implosive oral stops are not uncommon, but implosive affricates and fricatives are rare. Voiceless implosives are also rare.
  • Clicks , the which are velaric ingressive . Here the back of the tongue is used to create a vacuum in the mouth, Causing the water to rush in Pls forward the occlusion (tongue or lips) is released. Clicks may be oral or nasal, stop or affricate, central or lateral, voiced or voiceless. They are extremely rare in normal words outside Southern Africa . However, Home has a click in its "TSK TSK" (or "tut tut") sound, and another is Often used to say "giddy up" to a horse.



Singular and Plural Nouns

Singular and Plural Nouns

Kata benda atau nomina mempunyai dua bentuk (form) kata, yaitu singular dan plural.
Singular nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu benda yang berjumlah tunggal atau satu, misalnya: a computer, a chair, a train, a player, a teacher, a taxi, etc. Sedangkan plural nouns digunakan untuk menunjukkan benda yang berjumlah banyak (jamak), misalnya: computers, chairs, trains, players, teachers, taxis, etc.

Singular nouns umumnya disertai determiners (a/an, this, that, the), misalnya: a river, a castle, an idea, this book, the man, etc.

Umumnya plural nouns dibentuk dengan menambah huruf -s di belakang kata benda yang akan dibuat dalam bentuk jamak, misalnya: boats, bats, houses, rivers, computer, boys, girls, etc.

Perhatikan catatan dan contoh pembentukan plural nouns berikut di bawah ini.

Nomina yang berakhiran -s, -ss, -ch, -sh atau –x ditambah akhiran –es.
- bus --> buses
- glass --> glasses

- dress --> dresses
- branch --> branches
- church --> churches
- beach --> beaches
- sandwich --> sandwiches
- witch --> witches
- brush --> brushes
- flash --> flashes
- box --> boxes
- fox --> foxes

Nomina yang berakhiran –y, diganti dengan i kemudian ditambah –es.
- baby --> babies
- family --> families
- story --> stories
- fairy --> fairies
- puppy --> puppies
- housefly --> houseflies
- library --> libraries
- city --> cities
- lily --> lilies
- party --> parties
- dictionary --> dictionaries

Nomina berakhiran –y yang sebelumnya terdapat huruf hidup atau vokal (vowel), langsung ditambah akhiran –s. Kecuali nomina yang berakhiran –quy, -y diganti dengan i kemudian ditambah –es (soliloquy --> soliloquies).
- key --> keys
- monkey --> monkeys

- donkey --> donkeys
- toy --> toys
- boy --> boys
- cowboy --> cowboys
- day --> days
- tray --> trays
- runway --> runways
- chimney --> chimneys
- trolley --> trolleys
- valley --> valleys

Nomina yang berakhiran –f, diganti dengan v kemudian ditambah –es.
- half --> halves
- leaf --> leaves
- shelf --> shelves
- wolf --> wolves
- thief --> thieves

Beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –f, hanya ditambah akhiran –s.
- chief --> chiefs
- roof --> roofs

- handkerchief --> handkerchiefs
- cliff --> cliffs
- puff --> puffs

Dan beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –f bisa dijadikan plural dengan dua cara di atas.
- scarf --> scarfs or scarves
- hoof --> hoofs or hooves
- dwarf --> dwarfs or dwarves
- wharf --> wharfs or wharves

Nomina yang berakhiran –fe, maka f diganti dengan v kemudian ditambah –s.
- knife --> knives
- wife --> wives
- life --> lives
- midwife --> midwives

Nomina yang berakhiran –o, hanya ditambah akhiran –s.
- video --> videos
- hippo --> hippos
- zoo --> zoos
- kangaroo --> kangaroos

Tetapi beberapa nomina tertentu yang berakhiran -o, jika dijadikan plural ada yang ditambah akhiran –es.
- tomato --> tomatoes
- potato --> potatoes
- hero --> heroes

Dan ada juga beberapa nomina yang berakhiran –o bisa dijadikan plural dengan dua cara di atas
- mango --> mangoes or mangos
- mosquito --> mosquitoes or mosquitos
- zero --> zeroes or zeros
- buffalo --> buffaloes or buffalos

Beberapa nomina berubah ejaannya jika berubah menjadi plural (irregular plurals).
- man --> men
- woman --> women
- child --> children
- person --> people
- mouse --> mice
- tooth --> teeth
- foot --> feet
- goose --> geese

Beberapa nomina mempunyai bentuk yang sama, baik singular maupun plural.
- sheep --> sheep
- deer --> deer
- fish --> fish
- aircraft --> aircraft
- salmon --> salmon

Kata fish (collectively) bila digunakan untuk menyatakan jenisnya (individuals or kinds) maka bentuk plural-nya menggunakan fishes.
- The list of endangered species includes nearly 600 fishes.

Beberapa nomina selalu berbentuk plural, misalnya: trousers, glasses, shorts, spectacles, jeans, goggles, pants, scissors, tights, binoculars, pyjamas, pliers. Gunakan a pair of untuk menjadikan nomina tersebut ke bentuk singular.
- a pair of binoculars
- a pair of spectacles

- a pair of jeans

Pada compound words, nominanya (main words) dijadikan ke bentuk plural.
- mother-in-law --> mothers-in-law
- passerby --> passersby
- sister-in-law --> sisters-in-law

Jika tidak ada nomina atau kata benda pada compound words tambahkan akhiran –s.
- mix-up --> mix-ups
- takeoff --> takeoffs

Jika compound words berakhiran -ful, tambahkan saja akhiran –s.
- cupful --> cupfuls

Nomina yang berupa angka, huruf bisa di bentuk menjadi plural dengan menambahkan apostrophes (‘) dan s.
- How many 3’s make 9?
- There are two m’s in ‘comma’.

Beberapa nomina yang berasal dari luar bahasa Inggris (Latin, Greek, etc.) mempunyai bentuk plural tersendiri (irregular plural) mengikuti bahasa asalnya.
- nucleus --> nuclei
- syllabus --> syllabi
- focus --> foci (focuses)
- fungus --> fungi
- cactus --> cacti (cactuses)
- thesis --> theses
- crisis --> crises
- phenomenon --> phenomena
- index --> indices (indexes)
- appendix --> appendices (appendixes)
- criterion --> criteria
- analysis --> analyses
- axis --> axes
- bacterium --> bacteria
- parenthesis -->parentheses
- datum --> data
- alumnus --> alumni